super hanc petram -- deep background
Thursday, November 29, 2001
More on the item below. It is entirely up to the press to treat this is a major story that ought to wipe the war from the top of the fold for the next 4 days. They won't, but they should. The war won't be over for a long time and this has more to do with the health of our country than the terrorists in the caves of Afghanistan. It is often said that governments should run deficits when fighting a war, but let's be clear about what kind of war that comment intends. Bombing a stone-age country into pre-history is not a war that needs to have deficits run to finance it. $96 billion a year is not a huge deal considering that is not all added cost to the current budget. A year ago we had enough money to prosecute this war, bolster national defense, save social security and stimulate a flagging economy. We have now erased 8 years of prosperity in 11 months. That's a record-breaking and breath-taking decline.

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