Thursday, July 26, 2001
The Village Voice gives a mini-profile of Michael Powell (yes, son of), the Chairman of the FCC. Most of the article tells of what he's done at the FCC to allow major media conglomerates to merge and become yet even larger. He scoffs at the idea that customers/consumers are worth a damn. He also uttered this priceless piece:
The statement was in line with an earlier quip, in which [Powell] mocked the idea that the FCC should get involved in ensuring the spread of technology to underprivileged communities. Digital divide? Not according to Powell. "I think there's a Mercedes divide�I'd like to have one; I can't afford one," said the chairman, whose federal salary is $133,700 a year. "I think that's an important social issue. But it shouldn't be used to justify the notion of essentially the socialization of the deployment of the infrastructure."
The socialization of the deployment of infrastructure. A nice repudiation of the entire concept of American infrastucture and the myriad court decisions and pieces of legislation that in fact make infrastructure and its deployment socialist. Rich people deserve good roads and efficient data delivery, according to Powell. The poor people don't seem to earn enough to deserve these things. Infrastructure. Yikes. Bright political future for this guy. Definitely.