Thursday, July 05, 2001
An interesting article in the Post today about House members that are caught with a choice of biting one of the two hands that feeds them. In the case of the freshman member profiled, Shelley Capito, it's almost impossible to tell whether the money or McCain's support was more valuable to her narrowly winning her seat. Though I have no idea about the details of her campaign, I would bet that McCain's support brought in both more votes and more money. A kind of dual support that is hard matched by some of the other special interests trying to influence her. The passage of McCain-Feingold in the House will undoubtedly yield something different in key areas from the one passed in the Senate. Then, of course, it must go to conference to decide the final form. With the switch in power in the Senate, you can bet the conference will be hotly contested. I think the bill's in better shape than it would have been had Lott still been head of the Senate. Still an uphill battle, but if W vetoes both campaign finance and the patient's bill of rights, he'll put himself and the members in his party at an extraordinary disadvantage come mid-term elections.