Friday, May 18, 2001
A lot of people wonder exactly what the web can be for individuals, and really how far the whole medium of the personal web page can go. I think Blogger (and blogs in general, just loyal to the name) touches on the foundation of where they can go. This is one of the most dramatic examples of any web page I've ever seen, and is something the Interenet, and really nothing else, can bring about. The site is the blog of a 19 year-old girl who was diagnosed with leukemia. She died four days ago. It's pretty incredible how tangible and immediate the site feels. The tension is palpable throughout, and when I have some more down time, I'd like to read the whole thing. No media produced documentary or movie of the week can create something like this. Moreover, the site was created to share with everyone Kaycee's experiences and emotions as she went through life and battled Cancer along the way. It's remarkable just to click through the site (there's a link to her mother's blog which is another thing only the web can bring, the moment to moment feelings of the immediate family of someone with cancer) and read.