super hanc petram -- deep background
Friday, March 30, 2001
A truly new low for any president in the modern era. I like how he claims that the clammoring and yelling at public events by the press corps is considered a "press conference" in his eyes. He just looks more and more foolish every day. Also, without the press conference, the media will be free to print wild conjecture about what he may be attempting both in the white house and on the hill. Since he doesn't want to have a press conference to clarify any of his policies, he'll be without any pulpit, much less a bully one. Perhaps Time will have him on the cover as "The Incredible Silent" or "The Incredible Frightened" or "The Incredible Hiding President". This is all so sad. Flashback to William Safire circa 15.2.01. I wonder if he'll have anything to say in his next piece about this travesty of a president. Interestingly, Paul Gigot of the Wall Street Journal thinks that if W's budget doesn't get through, that it will be the end of his domestic presidency. To my reccollection, this was also the test faced by Clinton with his budget proposal that passed by one vote, a democrat Bob Kerry who is now employed elsewhere. It will be interesting in the post-McCain-Feingold era (whether or not it passes) to see how much clout W has on the Hill. At least it won't be a boring spring in Congress.

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