Wednesday, March 21, 2001
Bush Says Patients' Rights Bills Too Costly, Threatens Veto
The political- and media-savvy sides of my personality (such as they are) came of age under the Clinton administration. I payed some attention during Bush I, but not to the day-to-day stuff. It is therefore a new experience for me to be constantly dismissing out of hand the comments of the President. I cannot help but regard him as nothing but a fool and a puppet of those in his administration. What strengthens this is the reports of how he "governed" in both Texas and now. He makes no decisions on his own and is totally dependent on the research and analysis of others to digest information. There is no independent thought on his part. This is not delegation of authority, it is relinquishing of authority. To make matters worse, his administration is stocked with the old men of his father's generation that got us into the great mess of recessions and debts we are only now out of. The stink of time wafts off these men like a bad musk, and our country is moving towards another recession. The Bush's will be two-for-two in recessions if we ever officially declare one. It is disheartening to have no care or confidence in the rhetoric of the president. I don't care if he agrees with me, I'd just like to be sure that he's the one actually behind the wheel. Bush II isn't.
Camille Paglia, Adam Gopnik and others have recently published a rash of comments of how refreshing it is that we have a president that doesn't work that hard. This on the heels of the "CEO management style" as reported by the New York Times makes me want to vomit. This fool behaves like he's the head of a country club. Making sure the dress code is adhered to, giving the military a different colored beret, and bitching about cell phones. It's all very alien to me and I'm not sure exactly what I'd do about it, but I do know that the next four years are going to be insufferable.