super hanc petram -- deep background
Monday, February 12, 2001
I've been trying to lose about 10 lbs since the New Year. I've kept to a healthy diet, except on overnights and on weekends, and had very little success. In an effort to lose the weight, I've joined Weight Watchers and am going tcut back on the alcohol. I only drink on weekends and the odd week-night, but W.W. counts that fairly heavily on their "point" scheme. One bottle of wine is about 13 points (I get 25-27 per day) and I had one bottle on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Also, on Saturday I had a couple of beers. So, not the best on that front. I do think, however, that if I cut that out, I'll see some pretty solid results. Also, I found out that the breakfast of a bagel and orange juice that I have most weekend mornings packs 12 points. Needless to say, I'll be looking into alternatives there. It's been very educational so far, and we'll see how long it takes before I break down and have a whole large pizza to myself (I'm thinking around two weeks tops).

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